Hello world!


Hello world! This is my blog.

It is a static generated website. It uses Hugo with the Ficurinia theme. Content is fed in via Markdown files.

Comments use the Cactus Comments system, which uses Matrix in the background. You can log in with a Matrix account or just post without logging in. Comments get stored on the cactus.chat Matrix server.

I have some statistics running in the background, but don’t worry. It is not Google Analytics or any other privacy nonsense. I use my own self-hosted Plausible instance.

Also, no Cloudflare or any of that stupid shit. All fonts and js scripts are also locally hosted. Really, the only outside connection that happens is to the Matrix servers for the commenting system.

Now lets talk about what you can expect here. I’m going to write about everything that’s on my mind… so it probably won’t be much. There is also no schedule and I will just post whenever I want. Or not.


snoop out